Internet Marketing Training
Materials Package
with Tom Antion
Included in the Package:
Click: The Ultimate Guide to Electronic
Marketing Version 4.0 (1040 Reference Manual on CD) This will be your
"ultimate" reference guide whenever you have a question
about about any phase of Internet marketing.
Electronic Marketing Butt Camp Videos on CD
(5.5 hours) These special screen capture videos are like having
Tom in your office with you showing you where to click to make
Latest ButtCamp Audio CD Album -- 15 tightly
edited hours as if you attended one of Tom's intensive one day
seminars. (Just recorded in January)
TeleSeminar Kit: This 3-hour CD album
teaches you both the mechanics of doing TeleSeminars and the
strategies to maximize your income when doing them.
One Page Websites: The Cheap, Easy and Quick
Way to Outrageous Profits on the Internet -- 2-hour audio CD
album. This training session gives you all the simple nuts and bolts of creating
one page sales letter sites that bring in enormous cash flow with
virtually no investment.
Copywriting 901: The Fast Track to Writing
Words That Sell.-- Two hours on CD that give you Tom's method
of writing advertising copy that brings in massive amounts of cash
. . . as much as $50,000.00 on one email.
How to Start a Profitable Blog (WebLog) for
Free -- You can have a blog started within 10 minutes after
hearing this CD. You'll be publishing your thoughts and ads in no
time. You'll also learn how to make money with your blog.
30 Minute consultation with Tom and Web
Critique -- (a $500.00 value)
Regular price is $1474.80. For this special
package deal you get Free Shipping included in the low
price of $599.00 (you save $875.80)
here to purchase.