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Thursday, Aug 19th, 2010  9:00 PM Eastern Time USA
(Can't make it? The first 200 to register get the 2 CD Set and the shipping is FREE)

 Reputation Management: How to Build and Protect a Great Reputation Online
with Tom Antion

This teleclass is only for those interested in building a massive reputation on the web while reducing the chance that unfair negative attacks will have much impact.

“When Potential Clients are Thinking of Doing Business With You, They will Google Your Name or the Name of Your Business…”

. . . What will they find when they do??

Will it totally blow them away and impress them, . . . OR will it shock them, . . . OR do you even know?

If you have created and managed your Internet marketing strategies correctly, there will be thousands of great reviews, articles and testimonials for your business that people could spend months reading. You have worked on “good press” for your business for years and these positive search results help sell your products and services.

. . . But just one disgruntled customer, former employee or jealous competitor can ruin that hard work with a website that simply states that you stink!

This is when you need serious online reputation management.  . . . BEFORE IT HAPPENS


OK. Let's talk about the plus side of all this and why it's worth it to you to start building a great reputation online.

It’s easier than ever to build a great reputation that will help your pile tons of bucks into your business.

Even when it wasn’t as easy I used this to build my speaking career. I can’t tell you how many times I said to someone…."Just type my name into Google and pack yourself a lunch because you’re going to be there for a while reading good stuff about me" . . . and I almost always got the job.

The only way to exceed the average fee range for your industry or topic is to be better known. There is no faster way to be in control of how fast and how big your name gets than using the Internet.

Yes, I know that getting on Oprah or CNN or in the Wall Street Journal could do wonders for your career.....maybe . . . if you really know how to parlay those appearances....most people don't. . . . .AND truly you have little control if you ever even make it into those publicity sources.

Get good at what I teach in this convenient teleclass and not only will your name and business be GOLD online, you could turn that gold into real greenbacks going into your bank account at much faster and higher levels than ever before.

>>>>More money all because you took the time to learn how to make a great name for yourself on the web using a little elbow grease, low cost helpers (even high school kids) and low cost and free Internet tools.


It’s also easier than ever for someone that doesn’t like you to
trash you. Google won’t help you get rid of negative things whether they are legitimate or not. You have to take control and use the many tools available to fix this. I can tell you trying to bury bad stuff encompasses about a hundred more things than just using facebook and twitter.

WARNING: You may think there's nothing bad being said about you on the web because you do a basic Google search and you don't see anything. What you fail to understand is that there are places on the web where people discuss all kinds of things and these places DON'T EVEN ALLOW GOOGLE to visit them.

In this class I'll be revealing tools that will allow you to search the parts of the net hidden to Google. Your best customers probably frequent these places and you darn well better know about it when someone says something bad. The faster you respond, the closer your response is to the bad comment so new visitors can see a fair and balanced situation as opposed to your response three months later that is never seen by your prospective clients. . . . and don't forget . . . this stuff is going to be there forever

Here are just some of the topics I'll cover:

=> How to get started immediately seeing what's being said about you on the web . . . use the good stuff to create new business and locate the bad stuff so you can do something about it.

=> Internet search tools that will only look for bad stuff . . . B.S. (bad stuff) can do lots of damage and needs attention way faster than good stuff.

=> Low down tricks to fight unfair and fake reviews . . .
sometimes you just don't have a choice but to play dirty.

=> When to bale out and start over again. . . you can waste enormous amounts of time and money fighting the Giant.

=> A service that looks for bad things . . . at places where Google isn't allowed to look.

=> How disgruntled employees and competitors can wreak havoc on your business . . . and what you can do now to protect yourself.

=> How to automate large portions of your reputation management . . . there's no use having a great rep if you spend all your time protecting it.

=> The secret trick top marketers use to control their reviews . . . and make money with them.

=> A "super secret", yet right in front of your face search trick . . . that will get have your name and a link to your site popping up everywhere.

=> A service that will claim your name and register your profile at over 400 social networks . . . It would cost a fortune to do this by hand.

=> A large collection of places your name and business should be listed. . . . I bet you haven't thought of most of these

PLUS a Big Resource list and like every single thing I do....lots, lots, more

August 19th 9:00 PM Eastern time
Can't make it?
Be one of the first 200 to register and get the complimentary 2 CD Set.

Special Note: This class may go two hours and be a 2 CD Set

Telephone Bridge line space is limited and my teleclasses sell
out quickly.

Sign up now before all the complimentary CD Sets are gone and did I mention that the shipping is on me?

One last thing before you make your decision to register or not. How much money would just one more client mean to you if you got them because of your great reputation online? What if you got 5, 10, 50 or 100? AND how much money would it cost you if you lost a client or 5 or 10 or 50 or 100 because you ignored your reputation online?

It's a no brainer. Register below and I'll talk to you Thursday night.

Tom Antion

P.S. You'll download your up-to-the-minute resource list the night of the seminar.

P.P.S When you register there will be a brief note in the cart telling you if you made it into the top 200. Register Now!

This is a high level extremely important seminar to you, your family and your business and yet is sensibly priced at only $97.00 and

the first 200 signups get the FREE CD set of the seminar

Click Here to make and protect a great reputation online

I guarantee you will not be able to help yourself after this teleseminar. You'll probably stay up half the night trying out all the tools and techniques you will learn. One place I'm going to tell you about will have your name and profile in 415 places within about 2 days. How would you like that?

Click here to make your good name spread like wildfire