Tom Antion's Birthday Charity
Bash TeleClass
In honor of Robin and Jack Gray of Virginia Bichon
Click on a picture to enlarge
My beloved Kay and Maggie
Maggie and Kay with a halo of roses
Sleepy time
At any one time there are 17 dogs begging for a loving home and/or
medical attention.
What a cute family!
Daddy and Maggie chilling on the couch.
The first day we got her home I looked over and thought she was dead . .
. don't worry that's the way she sleeps.
If I ever find out who abused this baby, I'm going to do the same thing
to them as they did to her.
Daddy and Maggie going for a stroll.
Maggie in the pool on her floaty chair.
Hahahaha. Her hair is so fuzzy she absorbs water as she goes . . .kinda
like a swimming sponge.
Register for the call and
help save the lives of one of these loving little babies.