Premiere Issue December 2001
Miscellaneous Stuff You Need to Know
So far viruses can't get into compressed files so if you
have important material you want to protect you might want to use a
compression utility like zip.
Make it a rule in your business to
not open attachments.
In most cases you can simply reply to the sender and ask them to resend
the info in the body of an email.
Avoid suspicious file names. Like ILoveYou.exe
something like this is probably a virus that has been renamed to fool
Back up, Back up, Back up. You'll be crying big elephant
tears if you put off this critical component to making money on the web
Fraud and Security
Free site to teach you all the ways to keep from getting ripped off by
criminal customers.
They have a free ebook on keeping your website secure.
Note: Don't feel you have to spend a ton for one of their secure
pages. In many cases they are given to you for your use when you buy
some other service. For instance if you use
as your shopping system you are given a secure Verisign site to use and
it's included in your shopping system fee.
Do yourself and everyone else a favor and don't look
like an idiot
Don't forward virus warnings
Don't forward requests for donations for a child
with seven heads
Don't forward info about the post office trying to
charge us 5 cents an email.
Don't forward something just because it came from a
trusted friend that appears to know one of the people involved in
the stupid email you are considering forwarding
Pretty much don't forward anything. There is a 99.9
percent chance that it is a hoax and you will hurt your business
reputation and waste lots of time by participating. Just delete them
when you get them.
Visit the sites below to see why you will look really
stupid for forwarding all this crap.
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