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 January 2003


  • Emarketer reports that there are currently 16.8 million household broadband users which is a 27% increase this year. They estimate that by the end of 2003 there will be 23.3 million and by the end of 2004 30.5 million. -- To you this means that your market for larger files and digital products will nearly double in the next two years. Are you busy learning how to produce them so that you can cash in?

  • Also from emarketer. Holiday sales were dismal in the brick and mortar world. Not online. Sales grew 16% on line in the 4th quarter.

  • I can't help but mention one more from emarketer. There were 15.7 million online content buyers in the US alone in 2002 and that is projected to rise to 21 million in 2003. I've never been too worried about offending people when I know I'm right. I wouldn't be helping you and you wouldn't be getting value out of this magazine if I sugar coated everything. So here goes. If you are serious about the most simple, inexpensive and low risk way to improve your financial status -- that being Internet Marketing and sales, -- you are simply crazy if you don't focus heavily on creating online content AKA digital products. People are lining up to buy this stuff and it's just plain dumb if you don't grab your share.

  • Cybersource reported that 52% of online merchants are losing between 1% and 5% to online fraud. These figures pretty much apply to big business and I haven't seen anything like that in my own business. Even at 5% I would still be enormously profitable, so I don't think you have to fret over this too much.

  • Wait till you hear this. The American Library Association is suing because it says the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) is unconstitutional. What is happening is that public libraries are commanded  to (or at least to get money they must) install filters to catch pornography. The filters, however, are also filtering many health sites like sites about breast cancer, aids prevention, condom use, etc.

  • Need a friend. A team of researchers are developing a robot that can sense its owners emotions and offer assistance. From :"Wired",1282,56921,00.html

  • Three new Top Level Domains (TLD) are to be released this year, but it's a secret what they are. Watch for updates. Note: a top level domain is something like .biz, .net, etc.

  • I thought I'd seen it all until I found this site Apparently you don't give flowers as a gift in Ethiopia. You give sheep. One of the choices for a gift on this site is a "VERY BIG SHEEP AND A CHOCOLATE CAKE." I don't want to sound like Dave Barry, but I swear I'm not making this up. -- Now if this guy can make a living on the Internet selling Fettered Rams and Truffles you out to be able to sell a few ebooks.

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