June 2002
Traffic Generation Technique
Trafficology is a publication by Wayne Yeager. He
solicits and gives cash awards for the best traffic building ideas each
month. Some of the ideas are bizarre, like standing in a coffee shop and
paying for each person's coffee while giving them a card with your
website (pretty expensive traffic I'd say especially if you were at
Starbucks). To registering at
http://www.zeal.com to
recommend websites to their directory. Of course you would submit your
own. And everything in between.
I've read through a couple back issues. It's good solid material. Here's
what he says:
Every month, Trafficology.com pays people $1,000 for their best traffic-generation ideas. Then, they publish all this... FREE! That's why "Trafficology" is easily the best "How-To-Get-Traffic" newsletter on earth! If you're not reading it, you are completely out of the loop! Click here for a sample issue... and prepare to be amazed!
I signed up for his Super Version at $20.00 per month and didn't get an
immediate access, so I'm not sure what that's about, but I'm sure I'll
soon have access.
to June 2002 Index