March 2002
Computer / Automation Technique
Text Cleanup
More techniques
An extremely handy program to help
you with all your plain text, email text, web text and anywhere
you have to deal with text is called Text Cleanup. This is a
really cheap little program that will save you tons of frustration
and wasted time dealing with text. Did
you ever get an email that has quote marks in the important piece
of information that you wanted to save or use? Below is a sample
of what I'm talking about: Before
Text Cleanup >> >>
>> >> >Any idea what this means?
>> >>
>> >> It probably means your server either crashed or got stuck in a loop.
>> >> I was trying to edit a post I'd made but after about 5 minutes I gave
>> >> up. I suspect a server error.
>> >>
>> >> The forum runs really slow. Maybe it's just on a slow server or
>> >> something.
>> >>
>> >> >TA
================================ After
Text Cleanup Any idea what this means?
It probably means your server either crashed or got stuck in a loop. I was trying to edit a post I'd made but after about 5 minutes I gave up. I suspect a server error.
The forum runs really slow. Maybe it's just on a slow server or something.
================================ This took about 10
seconds total to open the program, paste in the text and hit the
clean up button. Doing it by hand would have taken several minutes
and been a pain in the neck. Other situations Someone
sends you an article for your ezine that's got a bunch of hidden
returns in it because they didn't know what they were doing when
they formatted it. No problem. Copy and paste it into Text
Cleanup and instantly the article is clean and ready to format for
your ezine. Someone
sends you information that has one long line and one word on the
next line like this paragraph. This repeats throughout the email
making it very
difficult to read. Copy and paste it into Text Cleanup and make it
and usable like the duplicate paragraph below. Someone sends you information that has one long line and one word on the next line like this paragraph. This repeats throughout the email making it very difficult to read. Copy and paste it into Text Cleanup and make it readable and
usable like the duplicate paragraph below. You
can purchase Text cleanup at
for $19.95
automation techniques:
Do your little icons get
squished when you have lots of programs open? Do you waste time
looking for the correct program because the icon is so small. Quick
fix is to hold your mouse pointer near the top of your taskbar until
it changes to a double pointing arrow. Hold your left mouse button
down and drag the task bar up until two rows form. You'll never waste
time looking for the right icon again because now there is plenty of
room for them.
To bring up your find files
box instantly hold down the "Windows" key (the key with the
wavy windows next to your alt key) and hit the "F" key
Want to quickly send a
webpage to a friend via email? Bring up the page in Internet Explorer.
Click on "File" then "Send" then "Link by
Email" (you could send "Page by Email" but it has a
much greater chance of messing up) When you click on "Link by
Email" your default email program will fire up with the link
ready to send. Just put your friend's address in and send away.
Upcoming topics for this section
Pop in strings of repetitive text anywhere (not just
in email)
Organize your email
Reduce the impact of SPAM email
The greatest keyboard shortcuts
Respond to emails while you sleep with
Using templates so you never have to reinvent the
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