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March 2002

Search Engine Tips
Link Popularity

It's time for me to get tough. I'm going to rant and rave a little bit here. When are people going to wake up? I was leading a TeleSeminar last month with nearly 600 people on the line. I must have spent fifteen minutes hammering home the value of link popularity to search engine rankings. I suggested that everyone on the line start a link strategy / link trade program. I gave them a place to gather at free discussion board. I told them that I could get them started with links from all my high traffic sites. 

Guess how many people took me up on the offer.......3 people!!!!

Was everyone else asleep? Do they all want to fight out search engine rankings the hard way? Can they not put a link on their websites?

I don't know what the problem is, but I can't understand why people would turn their backs on the most simple and stable way to give themselves boosts in the search engine rankings.


There are two major area to address with regard to link strategies:

1. Inbound links

2. Outbound links

Inbound links

Almost all the major search engines are using link popularity in their determination of which sites get high rankings when someone is searching for a particular topic. 

It should be your goal to get as many "good" links as possible coming "in" to your site. What is a good link? Well any link coming in to your site is good or at least neutral and you just might get some traffic from the link no matter where it is. A better link is from a high traffic site that is very popular as far as links go. The best incoming link is from a site where the link coming into your site has the same keyword in it as the keyword being searched for in the search engine that is looking at all this.

I have over 1000 links coming into and that has helped keep me high in the rankings for some time. Now though the search engines are getting smarter and they want to see more relevant links instead of just any old link, so I even have to start tweaking my system so that my link trade program makes this more clear i.e., I want the people linking to me to use certain keywords in the link itself. I'll be working on this over the next couple months.

Here are 4 ways to get inbound links:

1. Have a good site.-- If you make sure you have an excellent site with lots of usable info on your topic, people will naturally link to you and ask for nothing in return. My high content sites show up at all kinds of places that I never heard of simply because the people visiting liked what I had to offer and wanted to share it as a service to their visitors.

2. Provide content. -- If you provide content for another website, you usually can get a link back to your site. Usually the content is in the form of an article, but it could be statistics, photos, graphics, free downloads or whatever you have to offer. I aggressively provide articles for whoever wants them in exchange for the link back to my website. I've gotten many full fee speaking engagements where someone read my article on another website, liked what they read, clicked over to my site, called me and hired me. IMMEDIATE MONEY IN THE BANK IS EVEN BETTER THAN LINK POPULARITY.

3. Multiple sites. -- You can trade links between sites that you control. For best results it's important to have them on different servers (web hosts) in different geographical areas. Don't worry if they are on the same server. Link them anyway.

NOTE: Having sites in different geographical areas is helpful in other ways. If one of the companies you are using has a major crash or virus or if there is a major disruption in Internet traffic in a particular part of the world, you are not totally out of business. Remember the old "all the eggs in one basket" adage.

4. Associate programs. -- Certain associate program software packages use links to your domain name. For instance, if you belonged to my associate program to sell "ButtCamps" or "Wake 'em Up" training materials you might have a link on your site that has your associate number in it. It might look something like 

These links add up to my incoming link popularity even if you never sell anything, so the link is still valuable to me.

Outbound links

It never used to matter how many links were leaving your site because anyone can make a link to anyone else's site. They were pretty meaningless to the search engines . . . .until now.

Search engines are continually trying to find ways to give better search results to searchers. This is because they want the searcher to come back over and over again.

One parameter that is now being used to help rate a site is on the "quality" of the site's outbound links. If the outbound links go to pages in other websites that have the same keyword, then the site looks like a great resource for the searcher so it gets a boost in the rankings.


  • Searcher is searching for information on horses

  • Site A has 100 links going to other webpages on other websites that have the word horse in them.

  • Site B has 5 links to other horse pages

Results: Site A gets a boost in the final search results as compared to Site B (Note: this doesn't mean they are ranked number one. It just means they get a boost on the link parameter which is just one of the criteria a search engine uses when deciding what sites get high rankings.)

Additional Note: Although it's doubtful that they do, Site A might own / control the other 100 sites they are linked to which keeps all the business in the family.

Double Edged Sword

Having outbound links going to other similar websites is a double edged sword.  On one hand you are providing a service to your visitor, but on the other they could leave and forget about you. This has been one of the arguments about linking to other sites.

Here are some ways to use links to your greatest advantage with the least risk. Keep in mind you are looking for a net gain of visitors and business so if you have to give up a little to get more, then it's a good idea to do it.

(Temporarily back to my Rant) It takes someone with at least a half of a brain to understand the above concept. Many people want to sit in their little sparcely visited website and protect everything to the point that no one ever sees or hears of them and they eventually give up claiming the the Internet didn't work for them . . . Well no s_ _ _ Sherlock.

OK back to Mr. Professional E Marketer

Here's some smart moves to get your net gain in visitors:

  • Outbound links should not be prominently displayed on your home page. they should be displayed on a "Links"/"resource" page. You want the first shot at the visitor.

  • Outbound links to any site not under your control should be made to open in a "new window." That way your website is still running in the background and most people will come back through your site before they can leave.


  • Locate a bunch of sites that have the same keyword as you are trying to promote. You do this by searching the major search engines on that keyword and jot down or copy and past the link to those sites in your word processor.

  • Create a page on your site that has some text about your topic and also links to the sites you found. Keep each page to maybe 25 links or so because search engines will ban you for giant link farms. 

  • Upload these pages to your site as "hidden" pages. Hidden pages are pages that reside on your website, but aren't linked to the main site. Many people don't even grasp the fact that you can do this, but you can. It's like having a house with lots of rooms in it and a garden shed on your property. The house is like the main part of your site with lots of rooms (pages) all linked together. The garden shed still belongs to you and resides on your property, but it is not linked to the main house.

  • Submit these hidden pages to the major search engines

The idea is that the search engines will see these pages as belonging to your website and they will see the outbound links that are going to related sites. The search engine will think that you are a great resource for the searcher, but the searcher will never see the page and thus, won't click out of your site.

So get busy formulating your link strategy. If you need some help with text for the link trade part of your strategy visit and 

Warning: Keep in mind that some of this text will change as I tweak the instructions to the user to include keywords in their link text. I have not done this yet. Most of the other text, however, will stay the same.


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