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Nov. 2002
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Antion & Associates








 November 2002


  • Beyond Interactive found that 69% of men prefer news or compelling information in the subject line of a permission based email and 64% of women preferred a discount offer.

  • CustomerRespect did a study of the Fortune 100 websites and found that 45% of them forced customers to opt out from unsolicited email (Don't you try this. They have enough money to buy themselves out of any trouble. Also noted was that 83% do not have autoresponders letting a customer know their correspondence has been received and 37% did not respond to general inquiries. As a small business person you should be able to really shine and help customers much better than the big boys and girls are.

  • ILogos Research found that 91% of Fortune 500 companies are recruiting employees on their company website up from less than 33 % in 1998. If you need a job to finance your Internet start up, you now know where to look.

  • Outlook 11 has a new feature that will not download unwanted spam beacons when viewing an html email in preview mode. Spam beacons tell the sender that they have landed on a good email address. How much this cuts down on spam and damages legitimate email remains to be seen.

  • The UK is experimenting with Cell Phone antennas being hidden in lamp posts to increase the coverage. Health advocates are up in arms citing health dangers from the microwave radiation.

  • In a related case in my home state of MD a case was thrown out that alleged a man got cancer from his cell phone.

  • You can now legally have a chip implanted in yourself which carries scannable information about you.



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