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Oct. 2002
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 October 2002


  • Internet Fraud Watch reported that between January and June 2002, 87 percent of on line fraud came from auction transactions. The rest was a split with Nigerian money scams (5%), computer and software scams (1%) and work at home scams (.5%).  . . . Most people that take the time to set up an online business outside the auction world are not scammers.

  • A GartnerG2 report found that 5 percent of US online merchants have stopped doing business outside the USA. because of potential fraud. 47 percent say they have never accepted online orders outside the US. . . . I say test the waters in your industry because I know a guy who sells lots of stuff on line outside the US and is making a fortune.

  • EMarketer estimates that by the end of 2002 the average Internet shopper will spend $1089.00 up from $866.00 in 2001 . . .are you ready to get your share?

  • Expect lots of free shipping deals this holiday season. You may consider giving them too.

  • Digital impact commissioned a study about spam email. 59 percent of the people surveyed knew the difference between legitimate email advertising and spam. 16 percent made no differentiation. . . . Like always be ultimately clear that the person gave you permission. They need reminded sometimes. . .  especially the 16%.

  • Keep an eye on your children's computer usage from an ergonomic point of view. Repetitive stress injuries are showing up in young people that are doing everything on their computer starting at very young ages. Make sure they take breaks and stretch frequently.

  • Porn spam is getting raunchier with kidde porn, rape and incest showing up in your email. If you use a preview screen, you might want to turn it off if youngsters are around while you're checking your email.

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