September 2002
Email Technique
Make Money with Your Sig File
This is one of those work, get paid, paid, paid, paid, paid techniques
that I'm always talking about. Don't expect rushes of big money coming
in from this one every day, but over time you will profit immensely from
this technique.
A sig file (short for signature file) is a brief section of text added
to the end of your outgoing emails. It is usually used to contain your
basic contact information and maybe a line about what you do. Sometimes
it is used to save you lots of repetitive typing as I covered in the
Dec. 2001 issue.
In this issue I'll cover some ways that a signature file can make you
First things first. You have to be able to create a signature file. I'm
going to cover Microsoft Outlook 2000 here. You'll have to look for
"signature file" in your help menu if you are using another email
In Outlook you click on "Tools" then "Options" then "Mail Formats" then
"Signature Picker" then "New." Enter a name for your signature like
"Speaking" or "Real Estate Inquiry" or anything that reminds you of what
is contained in the signature file. Then pick "Start with a blank
signature." You would use the other option of "Use this existing
signature as a template" if you already had one that you just wanted to
copy from." This would keep you from starting from scratch each time.
Let's say you worked from home as a professional speaker but you sold
real estate on the side. You wouldn't want to use the same signature
file for a real estate inquiry as you would for a speaking inquiry.
Here's a sample of one of my speaking sig files:
Get your free Subscription to Great Speaking Ezine
New Speaker Video
Tom Antion Communications
A Rare Mix of Business and Entertainment
Keynotes/Seminars and Advanced Presentation Skills
Voice 1-301-459-0738 Fax 1-301-552-0225
Box 2630, Landover Hills, Maryland USA 20784
Trade Links with Us -
Here's how I might change the original if I sold real estate:
I have listings in 12 counties and buyers waiting
Search for Real Estate while sitting on your Butt
Tom Antion
I can find you a home or sell yours FAST
Voice 1-301-459-0738 Fax 1-301-552-0225
Box 2630, Landover Hills, Maryland USA 20784
Ask me about a free home evaluation guide
If I got a speaking inquiry, I would simply click a button and the first
sig file would pop in to my email. If I got a real estate inquiry, it's
just as easy to pop in the real estate one. If you have way more
speaking inquiries than real estate emails, then you would set the
speaking sig file as the "default" so you didn't have to insert it every
time you write an email.
OK so how does this make money?
Believe it or not, people do look at these sig files. Not all people,
but some people. You can have links to your products and services in
your sig file as long as you don't overdo it. It's a little bit overkill
and downright hokey to have a two word email and a 20 line signature
file, so don't go wild with this.
I have several variation of sig files to promote different products and
services. The first one above promotes four things. My "Wake 'em Up
Video Professional Speaking System" , my link trade program, my
ezine and the little blurb about speaking. This is all in one concise
package, but just pushes the limits of acceptable size.
A good email program will allow you to make as many different sig files
as you want. Here's how I might use different sig files depending on how
busy I am when I send an email.
If I know you already bought a particular product or service, then I'm
most likely to send you a sig file that promotes a different product or
service that maybe you didn't know about. I've had lots of people over
the years say to me, "I saw X in your sig file. I didn't know you did
that/sold that etc."
Affiliate Programs
Sig files are another good place to put affiliate links when you don't
have lots of your own products to sell. This way you still have a chance
to make money if someone clicks and buys something from your affiliate
topics for this section:
Email strategy
HTML email
Plain Text Email
Link tricks
Getting subscribers fast
How to make money with your zine
How to gain clout with your zine
How to maximize the signups on your website
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