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August 2002
Index Page

Butt Camp Schedule

Butt Camp CD

Butt Camp Audiotapes

TeleSeminar Kit

Publicity Book

Click: The Ultimate Guide to Electronic Marketing

Free Great Speaking Ezine

Kick Start Cart

The Speaker Shop

Free Shopping Cart System E-book

Antion & Associates








August 2002

Print and Go

Here is the entire ezine for you to print and take with you. Simply print this entire web page by using your "File/print" command. All of this month's articles are included and there is plenty of room in the margins for notes

Website Technique
One Page Websites

This is an updated white paper Tom wrote for the National Speakers Association Convention

Tom Antion�s One Page Website Method


I have identified a method to create extremely cheap websites that have an extremely high and ongoing return on investment. The method involves making one page websites on tightly niched topics and selling digital products (ebooks mostly) from these sites. You need little or no knowledge about the chosen topics.  

Note: This method is absolutely NOT meant to replace my method for creating deep content rich sites to enhance your speaking career. It is simply a credible way to get a regular profit coming in from the Internet.

Here is the exact method I use for creating one page sites and some figures on my first two sites and

Updated figures 7/31/02 The Wedding Toast e-book has taken in approximately $4032 in the first seven weeks with a profit somewhere between $1500 and $2000. The Wedding Speech e-book brought in $411 in the first week.

I will cover the following steps: 

  • Topic Selection

  • Ebook Creation

  • Domain Name Purchase

  • Site Creation

  • Dedicated Hosting

  • Pay-per-click search engines

  • Ebook Delivery

  • Additional Advertising/Affiliate Program

Topic Selection

You can certainly pick topics that interest you, but that is not necessary for this idea to work. The important thing about the topic you select is that the numbers work out.

For the least risk and highest return you will pick a topic that has a very high number of searches and a very low cost per click if you were to bid on the keyword or keyword phrase associated with the topic at a pay per click search engine.

If you are willing to bid high enough to be in the top three positions at the most popular pay-per-click search engine,, you will show up at the top of Yahoo, AltaVista, Lycos and many other popular search engines. This is generally called a �sponsored listing.� The point here is that it�s important to stay in the top three bids so that your listing shows up on all these other popular sites. Also, when you use pay per click search engines you have little or no delay before traffic is reaching your site. Using the free submission area at regular search engines could takes months to get your page indexed, if they ever get around to indexing it at all, and there is no guarantee of a high ranking.

To determine the popularity and cost per click for keywords I use an Internet tool called the Search Term Selection Tool at the same There are other tools you could use, I just happen to use this one. To find it you visit the above site. Click on �Advertiser Center.� Then click on �Tools.� Then click on �Term Tool.  (Don�t be surprised if you can�t find it because it�s so popular they move it around frequently.) If that�s the case, email me and I�ll find it or find another tool for you.

When you type a word into this tool it will tell you how many times in the past month real people searched on the word or phrase. It also tells you the different ways the term was used in search phrases.

For instance if you type in the word �Fishing� one of the results you would get would be �Fishing Lure� which was searched for approximately 17,000 times in the past thirty days. When I checked, the cost per click was 23 cents to get me into one of the top positions. When someone searches for the term �Fishing Lure� and clicks on it,  I would pay 23 cents. I only pay if someone actually clicks to go to my site, hence the term Pay-per-Click. This isn�t too bad, but let�s see if we can find a better deal.

I typed in �boat.� One of the terms that came up was �used boat.� It had 71,000 searches and a cost of 13 cents per click. That�s a way better and less risky deal than the one above. Let�s analyze why.

The obvious reason is that it has over 4 times the number of searches and the cost per click is roughly half. The less obvious reason is that a person looking for a used boat is most likely prepared to spend a lot more money than a person looking for fishing lures. I have no proof of this, but it seems logical on the surface although those fishing people can get crazy and buy all kinds of stuff.

I play with the tool until I can find words that have 20,000 and up searches and cost per click of less than 10 cents.

Skill and equipment needed to do the above section:  Nothing much but a computer, Internet connection and a little time.

Ebook Creation

Let�s continue with the �used boat� example. What would we sell a person searching on the Internet for �used boats?� The first thing that comes to my mind is an ebook on How to Buy a Used Boat and Not Sink Your Bank Account or something like that.

Am I qualified to write such a book? Absolutely not! I�ve got a tiny bit of boating experience from years ago, but you would not want me helping you pick one out. So what do you do?

Elance to the rescue

Here�s what I did on my site. I put out a bid on for two ebooks. One for Wedding Toasts and one for Wedding Speeches. In the bid I also said I wanted two sales letters. In two days I had a contract with a writer from Ohio who had been in 12 wedding in the past two years. Total cost for two books and two sales letters . . . . are your sitting down?  . . . $550.00

My contract with the writer required the documents to be created in Microsoft Word because I knew I would want to put in my own material and tweak everything before converting it to the downloadable format I use. I spent about 5 hours adding material and formatting the Toast book nicely for conversion to Adobe PDF for distribution. I spent another couple hours improving the sales letter. My college intern is finishing off the Wedding Speech book.

I won�t bother putting the exact figures here because they will be obsolete tomorrow, but the Toast book by itself brought in about $2000.00 the first month with a profit, after considering the pay per click costs, of about $1000.00 i.e., the entire project was paid for, and made a profit, in the first month and actually self financed the pay per click costs because they were only incurred as sales came in.

So far I�ve identified another twelve topics that we are developing and soon I�ll probably put several staff people on this full time shooting for about $1000.00 per month profit on each new project.

Skill and equipment needed to do the above section:
You probably will want to get the Adobe Acrobat program to create PDF files so that you can make changes to the Microsoft Word document before you convert it.  With a little help, you�ll learn what you need to know about converting to PDF in about 20 minutes.

Domain Name Purchase

Since domain names are much cheaper now, I grab up every one I can think of that pertains to my subject. For instance right now I have,, Overall I have about 300 domain names covering many different topics. I get them at

Since Overture only allows me to use its service to drive traffic from my company to one site about Toasts, (they don�t want one company to dominate all the top spots)  I am optimizing the other Toast sites using various keyword strategies to get good rankings in regular search engines. As those sites mature in the rankings over time, I can reduce my dependence on pay per click traffic, thus increasing profits.

Skill and equipment needed to do the above section:
No skill or equipment required.

Site Creation

Knowing how to make a web page yourself cuts out virtually all the site creation costs. This simple skill is invaluable. If you have enough need, bringing it in house will save you a fortune. I have a staff member that made me 200 websites in two weeks using the technique that follows. I could have easily done it myself, but my time is now better spent on other things.

I use Microsoft Front Page on almost all my sites and despite the dire warnings of all the broke technical people, it helps me make a small fortune each month.


If you visit  you will see a lovely wedding theme with the entire site shaped like a heart. This template cost me $15.00. I searched the web for �FrontPage Templates� and then searched the sites that came up for �Wedding Theme.�  

I installed the theme, slapped in the sales letter. Put the links in for the shopping cart and there you go  . . .  a little marital bliss money generator . . . and I�m not even married hahaha

Header Sites

This little program even makes the entire deal cheaper yet. I bought Armand Morin�s header generator We used it to create beautiful banners for the top each of the other 200 websites we are developing. You can see a sample at We put the banner at the top of the page. Then we put a box underneath it to hold the sales letter and in less than five minutes a new money machine is born.

Skill and equipment needed to do the above section:
You will need either someone to do this for you or the willingness to learn the basics of website creation. What is being proposed here is the lowest possible level of expertise.

Dedicated Hosting

My first one page site is hosted on a high speed server which is overkill and costs about $22.00 per month. When you get several websites going it�s much more cost effective to get a �dedicated server� which means it only has your websites on it and you pay a monthly fee. This does NOT mean you keep it in your basement. The machine is housed in a regular hosting company and maintained by them. They do the data backups, they provide the battery backup and generators to keep the thing running if the electricity goes out, etc., etc., etc.

I use  888-373-3910  It costs me $150.00 per month for up to 200 websites. It�s going to take me a while to get all the 200 websites going so I�m using some of the space as an employee benefit. You get a free web space for working for me.

Actually, I�ll probably never get all 200 sites on that server because I have made myself a personal rule, that when the income from sites on that server exceeds $20,000.00 per month, I will get another dedicated server somewhere else. This is so that all the income does not stop in case of a catastrophic failure on the first server.

Skill and equipment needed to do the above section:
You will need the ability to follow directions. Do not get a server unless it has a �No brainer� interface. Many companies expect that a person getting a dedicated server is a web master and technically capable of doing all the complex functions. Do not use this type of company!  Make sure your host company includes training.

More on Pay per Click

There are over 200 pay per click search engines, but at the time of this writing only Overture dominates. Google started it�s own pay per click service and since Google itself is so popular I have no doubt it will be successful.

I suggest you don�t waste your time on any of the others because most ask for a deposit to be used against your clicks, but many of them will never deliver all the clicks.


You can�t forget this very important part of the deal. You must be able to deliver the ebook in real-time. Much of the fascination with ebooks is the �immediate gratification factor.� If you think you can limp by and email the book to someone after they call you, or fax you or snail mail you, just tear up this paper and do something else. You are not getting it. You will lose most of your sales with this kind of thinking and your costs to drive traffic will most likely exceed your sales, making this a losing proposition.

What I�m talking about here is selling electrons. The customer decides to buy your ebook from your good sales copy. He/she purchases it through your automated shopping system, downloads it, and the money automatically goes into your checking account. You have no printing, no shipping and no postage. is the system I use. You can get a free ebook on how to pick a shopping cart/delivery system by visiting Keep in mind though there will be a small investment here.

If you are not already set up for ecommerce with digital delivery, you will have make this happen. The nice thing about it though is that now you can run an infinite number of websites off of one ecommerce system. The more sites you add, the cheaper your costs are per site and you can still run your entire speaking business off the same system.

Skill and equipment needed to do the above section:
Minimal skill in learning how to add products to your website and shopping system. Make sure your shopping system includes training.

Other advertising / Affiliate Partners

I am currently looking for pay-per-click advertising programs on wedding related websites and also beginning to look for affiliate partners. No data is available at the time of this writing.

Good luck and contact me if you have questions about making this happen for you.

Tom Antion

Traffic Generation Technique

Many people that deal with me are professional speakers or aspiring professional speakers. You will never get any higher quality traffic to your website than a person who has seen you in person and fell in love with you and your speech. You must, however, remember to give them a reason to visit your site and reminders.


First your website address should be printed on every page of your handouts. Many times people tear handouts apart, and photocopy them for their friends and colleagues. If you have your website on every page, it will get passed along virally when someone copies your pages and distributes them.

Also in the handouts you should have a special link for that particular audience with a copy of the printed handout that has clickable links to other areas of your site and additional helpful resources for the audience.

One more thing you can have in your handouts is a special incentive offer or free gift that gives them a big reason to visit your website to retrieve their special.

From the stage

Call attention to the special link in the handout and also to the special incentive offer you have for them. You can call it a free bonus or a special report or anything you want.

To call attention to the bottom of each page where your website is printed tell the audience that they can email questions to you at your email address which is printed at the bottom of every page of the handout. Naturally, they will look there to see it.

Offer them a free subscription to your ezine. This will allow you to follow up with them regularly and drive them to your site. This can be done nicely with a drawing for a prize which would be one of your products.

After the event

If you have a means to follow up with the participants after the event, give them some other incentive to visit your website. Some ways to follow up would be:

  • Via snail mail/post card if you have negotiated the mailing list.

  • Via email if you got their email addresses

  • Via the organizer who may not want to give your the email addresses, but may be more than willing to broadcast your message to the list.

  • Via an article in the organization's printed newsletter (this idea could be used to get the people there before you even speak at the event)

When speaking make sure you include the above elements to get the audience members to visit your site.

Product Development Technique
Basic E-book Preparation

E-books are about the highest profit product that you can sell. Some might argue that phone consulting is higher in profit because you have no cost of goods sold and you don't have to have a shopping cart and/or website. The problem with that line of thinking is that you have to put your time into the phone consulting. The ebooks sell automatically off your website without your constant attention.

This issue will cover preparing your ebook in Microsoft Word. If you don't use Microsoft word, I can't help you, but many of the issues apply to any word processing program.

The eventual format for distribution that I suggest and use myself is Adobe PDF. We will cover the conversion to that format in a future issue.


Your book will be formatted US standard 8.5 x 11 Inches. If you live outside the USA, you will want to format your pages to suit your biggest market. If it happens to be the USA, then use the USA standard. If you will sell mostly in your own country, then, of course, use the standard for your country.

I suggest a 14 or 16 point font with one inch margins. Don't get too fancy with your fonts. I use Times New Roman and some san serif font like Ariel for headlines.

I usually put a footer on each page with my contact info and page number. To do this click on "view" then "header/footer." The main body text will be grayed out and the header and footer area will be active so you can edit them. I put the word "Page" underneath my contact information in the footer and then click on the "insert page number" icon which will put a place holder that updates the page number automatically. Click "close" on the header/footer toolbar and you can go back to editing the document.

Headings and subheads

Most ebooks will have Chapters and subheadings inside each chapter. Don't make chapter headings and subheadings too big, because people get upset if they print out the document and you've wasted an entire page on the words "Chapter One."

A great feature of both Word and Adobe is a clickable index. To see the clickable index in Word, click on "view" and then "document map." This makes large Word documents easy to navigate and knocks out tons of scrolling when you want to visit something 50 pages down in the document.

To make a really handy clickable index in your Adobe document after your conversion, you must prepare the Word document by tagging Chapters and sub headings before the conversion to Adobe.

In Word you most likely have a tool bar that has the font size, font style and a box next to it that is the style/heading box. Most of the time the style is listed as "normal."

To prepare for the clickable index you would highlight let's say "Chapter One." While it is highlighted you go up to the style/heading box and click "Heading 1." A subheading in the same chapter would be tagged "Heading 2." A subpoint under a Heading 2 would be a "Heading 3." When you get to Chapter Two you would make it a "Heading 1" again and so on throughout the book.

When you do the conversion, Adobe recognizes the heading tags and turns them into a clickable index (if you have told it to do so in the conversion settings).

Another nice thing is that you can change all the styles of the different headings globally. This means if you want all the Chapters to be Ariel Bold 36 point instead of  Ariel 24 point you can simply change the format of the Heading One style and every Chapter will be changed to  Ariel Bold 36 point.

Warning: Headings and subheads MUST be on a line by themselves. I don't know why, but it cause enormous problems if you to have a heading tag on more than one adjacent line.


I have only used jpg graphics and photographs in my ebooks. They should be optimized for small file size so that your ebook downloads quicker. If you are distributing only on CD, file size will probably not be as important.

One trick I learned to keep better control of my placement of graphics was to first insert a text box into the document and then insert the graphic into the text box. Prior to learning this trick my pictures and graphics would be jumping from page to page totally out of my control.

Next issue we'll talk about converting the document to pdf.

Email Technique
Getting Content

There are many ways to get content for your email publication. In most cases if you are doing an ezine to enhance your regular business you will do one based on the topic of your business. You can also do ezines on other topics unrelated to your regular business.

Your field of expertise

If your zine is about your business like mine are, it's fairly easy to get content because I'm working with the topics every day. My two major ezines are "Great Speaking" my text based ezine that is sent to people and the one you are reading right now "Great Internet Marketing, which is a "web based" ezine.

In both cases, the topics covered, speaking and Internet marketing, are things that I think about and work with every day. If you look closely at many back issues of both of the zines you will see that some of the things I'm talking about are things that happened to me or one of my clients that month. This makes it very easy for me to come up with content and it will for you too. Simply jot down different things that happened to you or you did and bang out a few paragraphs on that topic.

Here's a tip. Don't wait until the moment you have to write the ezine and get it out on deadline to think back over the past couple weeks or a month to remember what you have been doing. Chances are you'll come up with a big goose egg and get writer's block just when you don't need it. Jot down things all through the month that you think belong in the zine and keep them all in one place either on your computer or a box. Then when it comes time to do the writing you'll have plenty of reminders of what to write about.

Other writers

Once you get a decent number of subscribers you will have other people contacting you to give you articles for your zine. This happens to me all the time for "Great Speaking." Many of them, however, are lazy and won't take the time to slant the article to my audience. I get all kinds of articles that I would publish if the writer simply slanted the article to public speakers. I reject hundreds of these articles because I want to keep highly targeted information in my zine, so it doesn't become one of the many run-of-the-mill Internet publications.

If you are willing to take the time to coach these people, you may get some of them to customize the articles they send which will probably give you lots of new articles to choose from.

Article trade sites

Websites have been set up to be content trade areas on the Internet where publishers can get content and writers can contribute content on hundreds of different topics. You can go to one of these sites and use the articles found there free of charge as long as you don't edit them and you include the writers bio blurb/website link at the bottom. These articles are necessarily general in nature, so you'll have to decide if they will work in your zine. You can also place your articles there in hopes that other publishers will use them in their ezines.

Here are some of the sites:

There are lots more. Just type in "free content" or "free ezine content" in any search engine and you'll find tons of places to get articles and place articles.

Pay for content

I don't do this for my ezines, but you certainly could hire ghost writers, college students, and other free lancers to write your content for you. This will cost a little, but if you're back end products and ad revenue can support it, then it's a viable way to put out your publication with a lot less work.

If you don't have a college nearby, is a place you can find thousands of qualified writers  to do your work.

Off topic zines

Let's say you have a hobby that you'd like to turn into some money. Let's take fly fishing for instance. If you are a fishing fanatic (and there are lots of them) you probably read and buy all kinds of things about fishing. Why not start a zine about fishing and build up a list of other fishing enthusiasts? You could then write ebooks, and sell all kinds of fishing products and advertising right from your zine. You would be turning your hobby into cash with virtually no risk and since you already love the topic and read about it all the time you would have an endless supply of content.


Copywriting Technique
 Tell a Story
by Tom Antion

One of my first professional level speaking engagements was for John Wanamaker Department Store in their imported rug division. In my research for the event one of the managers told me about the time he and his wife were searching the Amish country of Pennsylvania for a quilt to be given as a wedding present.

They were having a grand old time driving around to the different quilt outlets shopping for that one special quilt to give to their best friends who were finally tying the knot.

They saw literally hundreds of gorgeous quilts in the two days they spent driving around Eastern Pennsylvania, but nothing seemed to jump out at them  . . . . UNTIL. they visited a quaint little shop somewhere around Lancaster, PA where a little old lady was the lone person running a little 2 x 4 mom and pop gift shop.

The manager told me, the lady nearly did somersaults when her first two customers of the century came in the door. She asked them excitedly where they came from and what they were looking for and generally made them feel like they were the most important people on earth (which they probably were when you consider she probably hadn't made a sale since 1942).

She had one quilt in the store. When the manager and his wife asked if they could see it, she handled it as if it was a half million dollar Stradivarius violin. She carefully took it off it's draped perch which was over an antique rocking chair and it appeared to the manager that she didn't even want them to touch it . . . UNTIL she told them this orphan's story.

I don't remember the details, but you might have guessed that they walked out of that little cubby hole with the most important quilt in the world on that day because it had a STORY.

Now I can't help but think that the other circumstances of being a little old lady, in a little tiny store by herself didn't evoke some sympathy that led to the sale. However, the manager reported to me that he and his wife bought because the story of the construction of the quilt and the person who made the quilt and where the material was made and the date the quilt was made was the reason they bought because now the quilt was SPECIAL. It had a story. It had a life history. It was one-of-a-kind because of that story. The manager also told me that the quilt wasn't really as beautiful or well constructed as some of the others they looked at, but the power of its story far exceeded the detriment of its flaws.

Well, the skeptic in me can't help but think that as soon as the dust settled from their car pulling out that the little old lady yelled upstairs, "Hey Harry, I just moved one of those imported quilts. Put some dust on another one and throw it on the rocking chair." hahahah

I'm hoping that wasn't the case, but you can see the power of simple stories to close the deal on your products and services. Stories paint pictures in the minds of the people that hear them. Think back over this article which is basically a story upon story article. I told you a story about someone telling me a story.

Could you see the manager and his wife driving around Amish country from store to store? Could you picture the "2 x 4 Cubby Hole" I described? Could you imagine the little old lady greeting the manger and his wife and the quilt draped over the rocking chair?

When you touch this level of emotional involvement in people you knock down sales resistance and exponentially increase your odds of making a sale.

I use a little snippets of stories (completely true by the way) all the way through my sales letter for my "Wake 'em Up Video Professional Speaking System"

Here's one little sample:

tombus~1.gif (5833 bytes)My story
I used to make $75.00 per speech and kill myself doing 4 or 5 a day just to barely make a living. NOW, by using the techniques I've learned, I just raised my fee so I make $9500.00 per speech / $10,500.00 per day, and travel the world accepting only the best gigs. Just think what it would mean to you and your family if you grabbed that same kind of success. 


So, tell a story to get people involved in your products and services and watch your sales soar.

Search Engine Tips
Keyword Placement Part IV
Link Text

Another place to put keywords is in your link text. Here's an example:

Public speaking tips This link is actually linked to which doesn't have my main keyword phrase "public speaking in it, but the visible text in the link does.

This gives me a boost in the search rankings on the keyword phrase "public speaking" i.e., when the search engine sees that the phrase "public speaking" was important enough to put in the link text you get a little boost on that phrase because it is given more relevance.

The closer it is to the first word in the link can give the phrase even more relevance in some search engines.

So take a peak at the links you have on your more important pages and see if they have link text that will help you in the search engines.

Cool Software and Gadgets

Software Distributors of Easy CD Creator. This is the software I use to make the Butt Camp Multimedia CD and Audio CDs. Makers of Sound Forge XP the software I use to edit audiotapes on my computer. Speaking email. This software reads you email to you and also reads webpages out loud.

Gadgets Tons of stuff you don't need. Check out the EON ICE Credit card light.  hahahaha I love this one. A laser site for your pool cue. This will be the new seating method for my aquabuttcamp hahahaha Ten cool phone gadgets

Useful Websites  dictionary of Internet Marketing terms. You also get one if you have "Click: The Ultimate Guide to Electronic Marketing for Speakers" Lots of good resources
(put this long link in your browser and you will see a cool new CD burner that will burn your label on the unused portion of your CD) Lots of tools for your website

Computer / Automation Technique
Automated Bidding
More techniques

Pay-per-click search positioning is here to stay. Keeping track of your bids can get out of hand quickly if you don't watch out. How do I know? Well just like most everything I report to you I screwed it up and wasted tons of money while I was learning. the granddaddy of pay-per-click search engines has recently rolled out it's automated bidding tool. I can't possible explain it as well as they can so here is how you get to their tutorial.

Visit Click on "advertiser center" then click on "auto bidding tutorial." This is a very clear and animated look at how the entire thing works.

In the old method of bidding it was very easy to overspend on clicks because you set a fixed amount you were willing to bid. Let's say you were willing to bid 50 cents for the top position on the keyword "aardvark." If the person below you in second position was only bidding 44 cents, you would be paying 5 cents too much for each click to stay in the number one position because a 45 cent bid would beat the 44 cent bid in position two.

The new bidding tool keeps you at the highest position you request and adjusts your bid to be only 1 cent above the next lowest bid. Bravo to Overture even though they made a dumb move by changing their name from :)

With this new tool you also don't have to monitor your bids so closely which is why this is in the automation section. You don't want to get yourself into too many things that require tons of attention.

More automation techniques:

  • You can create shortcuts to frequently accessed web pages or other folders and documents right on your desktop. To do so, right click on an empty area of your desktop. Click on "new" then "shortcut." In the blank field enter the website address you want to go to (include the http://www and all that stuff) Click next. Give the shortcut a name and the next time you click on the shortcut it will take you to the webpage if you are connected to the Internet. If you are making a shortcut to a folder or document, you, of course, don't need to be connected to the Internet.

  • More on shortcuts: If you send email to the same person over and over again, and also if you are afraid of using your Outlook address book because of virus attacks, then this trick is for you. As above right click on your desktop and then click on "new" then "shortcut." In the blank field put " " Click next and then name the shortcut "email to Tom" or whomever your regular email recipient is. Make sure you don't put any spaces in the entire string. Click on the shortcut and an email is ready to go with the address already in place. Just type the message and subject line and off you go.

  • Try to reduce the number of times you reach for your mouse each day. You'd be surprised at the number. It not only slows you down, but is tough on your hand. We don't want any carpal tunnel victims out there. Here's a quick tip. When surfing the web in Internet Explorer, instead of hitting your back and forward button, hold down your "alt" key and use your forward or back arrow on your keyboard.

Miscellaneous Stuff You Need to Know

  • The word "Internet" is capitalized. Why? I don't know.

  • Be wary of your laptop power supply. Mine went bad but I didn't know it. The laptop just wouldn't work, so I plugged the same power supply into my back up laptop and it burned it up too. If you travel alot you might want to consider a company or insurance policy that guarantees overnight replacement. You also better have back up CDs of all files you absolutely need while on the road.

  • I hate UPS

  • When converting a Microsoft Word file to Adobe PDF there could be a very slight shift of text either up or down. This could cause text to jump to the next page unexpectedly. With a little experience and practice you'll learn to adjust for this potential in your Word file which will save you lots of hassle when doing the conversions.

  • While I'm on the topic of Adobe, you need to learn how to set the conversion functions that you want like, password/no password, print/no print, copy and paste/no copy and paste, hotlinks/no hotlinks, etc.

  • Windows XP will be a pain to install and make all your programs run, but you will most likely love it once it gets up and running. I run my computer really hard with sometimes 18 browser windows open and 4 or 5 programs and XP hardly ever crashes, unlike Windows 98 which required me to reboot several times a day.

  • I hate UPS

  • When conducting telephone seminars ALWAYS email a set of guidelines to the attendees prior to the seminar. I don't allow questions during the main part of the seminar because I don't want to ruin my tape of the event. I stay on the line after the main taping is done to answer questions. You want to make this clear to participants BEFORE they come armed with 50 questions they expect you to answer right away.

  • Did I mention that I hate UPS?

Case Study
Marilyn Snyder

I am a rank beginner when it comes to Internet Marketing, but I have a long history of top level performance in the insurance industry. I have 'subconsciously' wanted to be a speaker for many years, but I kept ignoring what I really wanted to do.

Last November, I decided this was it and I started looking on the internet for information on how to start becoming a speaker.
I came across Tom Antion's Wake 'Em Up speaking program and ordered it. It not only was full of information, but came with a consultation call with Tom also. The first thing and one of the best things I learned is that this is not a -'wave the magic wand and everything will happen tomorrow'- business. It takes hard work and dedication.

One thing I learned from Tom right away, and I believe is essential for everyone looking at this type of work, is how important an Internet site can be to your income. Since I was starting from the beginning, it seemed overwhelming, which direction to go in first!

I've had to keep my other career going to bring in money while I learn all of this, so that adds to the frustration of this taking longer than I want it to.

I would have to say without a doubt, that Tom's Mentoring Program is the best thing that I could have done. It not only keeps me accountable to get things done that I said I would, but Tom is an excellent resource in all areas of the speaking business and setting up a profitable internet site. (No, Tom is not paying me to advertise for him!!)

By next week, a one page website idea from Tom, should be up and running. Also, I've almost completed my 1/2 day seminar programs that I am going to do in the sales area for corporations. From Tom, I also learned that I can turn these into other products, so I will have more items for sale on my speaker website.

My goal for my speaking website is to have it running by the beginning of September.

One of the things that Tom suggested as a way to save money was to look for a teen who really knows computers, to help build your web site. It is very interesting to see what you can find when you look!

The closest big computer store near where I live is about an hour away, so I asked my nephew about people at the school or college that would be good. After not being able to think of anyone, my own nephew asked if he could give it a try and he is excellent at it.

A lot of it is new to him, but because he is so good at the computer, he picks it up much faster than I ever would and I just let him figure it out! The only problem we have is me - getting things to him that I think will take him a couple of hours and he literally has it done in a few minutes.

This has saved me not only money (even though I pay him pretty well), but the added headache and time of trying to learn all the ins and outs of the computer on my own. You don't have to look for that computer genius who has done it all, just someone who knows how to figure computer stuff out fast.

I'm really excited about Tom's new one-page website idea. For my first one-page website, Tom walked me through this very well. It took me a while to find an idea on Overture that had a low cost per click and a high number of click per month. But I kept at it and found one that was .05 per click and approx. 100,000 people had clicked on it in the month of May.

Getting my ebook written

E-lance is the website that Tom recommended for hiring freelance writers and researches. Their site is set up to easily maneuver through and post a job for an e-book to be written, but I learned that many of the bids were way out of my range and the cheapest one ($100.00) wanted me to give them all of the info! I stuck to a low bid, as Tom nicely pounded into my head, to keep the costs down, and I ended up with an excellent writer who was prompt and did a very good job for the money. This took 4-5 weeks, which I didn't think was bad at all, to get an e-book researched and written.

The part that seemed to be the toughest was the sales letter . . . , to make it look really great. But what it amounts to the most is just sitting down and looking at other sales letters that are out there, and then just doing it! So much of the problems seem to be exaggerated in our minds, until we sit down and take the time to do things.
The biggest time saver is using Tom's referrals for the things that you have to do. You can instantly trust who you are doing business with, and don't have to worry about if they are trying to take you for a lot of money when it is not needed. The two best examples of this are Global Presence for the website hosting and  for the shopping cart . . .. especially Kickstart. I would have to say since it is a bigger ticket item for your budget, it is great that Tom did all of the research to find a shopping system that is this good.

So, even though I am a beginner in Internet marketing, I have found that it just takes some work and effort to make progress just like anything else that is worthwhile. You also need good direction and advice because there is so much mis-information out there.

I hope this helps some people who are wondering if they can do this. I assure you that you can. Just put your mind to it and get good help.


Marilyn Snyder


  • The University of Georgia reports that Hispanic buying power will increase by 315% between 1990 and 2007. White buying power will increase only 111% during the same period.  . . . Are you developing products and services to cater to this group of people?

  • Here are the top ten e-retailers and their 2001 sales in billions of dollars. Note that the number one position is held by who is an information seller just like us: 3.12
    Office Depot 1.6
    Staples .95
    Gateway .76
    Costco .45
    Barnes& .41 .40 .35
    Spiegel Group .33
    J.C. Penney .32

  • According to DoubleClick/Info Group in 2001 as many as 45% of the people seeing email ads did not click through, but ended up purchasing later.  . . .This means your email campaigns may be more effective than you think. They are certainly cheap enough to do.

  • Double Click also reports that 61% of emarketers will increase their budget in 2002 with only 5% reducing their budget. The average increase in spending will be 17% . Budgets for all other forms of advertising are expected to decline. . . .The biggies are realizing the value of email marketing. I hope you are too.

  • According to It's official. Klez is the most virulent e-mail virus of all time. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you better find out. Visit your anti virus provider's website and read about it. If you don't have anti virus software installed, then shame on you.

  • Yahoo just pulled a big no no which is starting to become a trend these days . . . screw your users . . . .They sent an email to all their users telling them that their preferences were automatically being changed to "Yes, I want to get email solicitations" or something like that. Yahoo, like Looksmart is probably going to get a class action suit against it. The issue is even though legal jargon gives them the right to change their privacy policy at anytime, can they legally change the agreement that a person signed up under. I don't think so. DoubleClick, mentioned above, settled a similar suit and is abiding by the agreement their users agreed to when they first signed up. . . .What does this mean to you? Be careful what your privacy statement says in the first place and don't change it to suit yourself while screwing your customers/users, etc.

  • Even though I've railed against PayPal as a merchant account for professionals because it creates image problems I have to give the owners and board members credit. Their takeover by ebay is making them all filthy rich. Some board members will take 120 million or so in ebay stock. Not too shabby. . . I still don't think professional should use them as their main merchant account.


End of this issue

You will have to print out the following reference pages separately. They are included in each issue, so there is no need to print them out every time. Do, however, check them frequently because I will put new additions to these pages at the top of each page until the next issue comes out.

Recommended Learning Tools

Search Engine Resources


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